We are proud to specially recognize those who can give $100 or more to the Wyoming Highway Patrol Association spring 2024 direct mail fundraising campaign. We are truly grateful and fortunate knowing that we are appreciated by our citizenry. Click here to view a listing of our fall 2023 Distinguished Donors.


First and foremost, thank you so much for your support of the Wyoming Highway Patrol Association. Yes, your donations are very much needed in helping us restore our ranks, attract good recruits to our profession, and provide more security to our troopers. More important to us, however, is that you believe in what we’re doing. We can’t over emphasize what this means to us.

We believe it is important to recognize those who support us. For our spring 2024 fundraising campaign we have two of our 2024 WHPA supporter decals available to anyone who contributes. For those who can donate $50 or more, we're offering four stickers and something brand new and definitely cool! We've had our WHPA logo designed into a hefty, richly-embroidered 4" patch in bright colors with a beautiful border. These are quickly going to become collector's items. They are suitable for framing and have a number of unique applications. Our own troopers want them, so get 'em while we have them in our office. 

Our responsibilities as State Troopers are wide and varied, and touch nearly every facet of law enforcement. We are the first responders, the guardians who make a difference in the lives of others. We are dedicated and we are here to always protect you.

Thank you for your support.

The Wyoming Highway Patrol Association is a 501-C3 non-profit organization. Contributions to the Association are 100% tax-deductible.